
Showing posts from May, 2019

An Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is an open-source, document oriented, NoSQL database developed by MongoDB Inc. MangoDB does not contain tables to store data like the traditional SQL-based databases did. lt stores all its data as documents which has a structure similar to JSON objects.  As the official documentation states, MongoDB is a scalable and flexible Database that allows the user to store data in JSON-like file format.  In a world where SQL-based databases are perfected upto the last spec, the existence of NoSQL databases might feel redundant. However, the uses of a NoSQL databases are far from few. Where relational databases like oracle or MySQL has tables where everything should be related to each other to be able to find any useful related data, NoSQL databases such as MongoDB has a document system where a single document is equal to a row in a relational database. The difference being the NoSQL databases are much more agile and can be altered by each document alone. each of these docu...

History of JavaScript

The beginnings JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 during his stint at Netscape communications. As the name suggests, it was mostly inspired by Java,  and a couple of lesser known languages named Scheme and Self. Netscape used to be the go-to internet browser in the mid-to-late '90s. They enjoyed the market dominance for quite a while. Netscape Market share over the years Throughout these years, Microsoft was emerging as a tech giant and it was evident that Netscape will soon be under threat form the Microsoft' attempts of making their own web browser. Internet Explorer was solely created for the Windows platform to remain as independent as possible from Netscape. However, Microsoft managed to be a bigger foe than anticipated for Netscape and this prompted them to standardize most of their innovations to prevent Microsoft from gaining control over their precious but still very young JavaScript language. They also decided to partner with Sun Corp. on the...